Restore the Planet


Transition to Renewable Energy

A transition to renewable energy will make a major decrease in greenhouses gas emissions because when we burn fossil fuels, we release greenhouse gases. If we use renewables such as solar and wind energy, then the use of fossil fuels won’t be required to generate power.


Sustainable agriculture is essential. It means to make agriculture so that it doesn’t destroy the environment. This way, we can farm in a way that we produce food without harming the planet.

Carbon Capture
and Storage

Carbon ‘Capture and Storage’ means to make technology that filters the air by draining the carbon out and storing it. There are various ways to store gases, for example, underground. These solutions can be found in many places, like Iceland.


Climate Education is a major cause because this way, all people know about climate change. If we know what is happening then we can all act to this. Climate Education will help shape the way we tackle this worldwide and achieve a reverse.


Energy efficiency in our daily items is very necessary to lower the use of energy. What I mean by energy efficiency is how much power is used. If we design technology so that is uses minimum power, then a lot of energy is saved. This energy needs to be saved so that climate change is reversed.


Electric vehicles are a very big part of the regeneration process. We need to start using electric vehicles because normal vehicles release greenhouse gases because they burn fossil fuels.

Improved Waste

Improved waste management means to have a system with our waste so that no greenhouse gases rise from landfills. In Singapore, they have a complex system that is a very good example. To know more, scroll down to find out about how they do it.


International cooperation is required to reverse this. We need to collaborate with other countries to tackle climate change on a global scale. This way, we can help each other to reverse climate change and restore the planet.

and Reforestation

Afforestation means to planet forests. Reforestation means to replant forests. These simple steps make massive differences because trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reversing the greenhouse effect, and they exhale oxygen, allowing other life to thrive. This is a massive difference.


Green buildings are energy-efficient buildings that use as less energy as possible. These buildings are very crucial because they use energy so that there is a minimum carbon footprint.


Public Transport is a big part of the solutions. This means that we use transport such as buses and trams and airbuses. This way, we don’t have one vehicle for every person, but we have few vehicles for multiple people. Then, we don’t have as much emissions.

Trash Solution

In Singapore, they have a trash process that doesn’t release any greenhouse gases. What they do is that they collect all the trash in the country and burn it. You might wonder how they mange to burn without releasing smoke, so what they do is that they use advanced filters to purify the air before releasing it outdoors. This solution will eradicate the 3.2% of greenhouse gases caused by landfills of waste.