the Planet

Revive, Rebuild, Reconnect

What is Climate Change?

Climate Change is basically the changing of our climate. Our climate is changing all around the world. This is caused by many human activities worldwide. These human activities include deforestation, releasing carbon dioxide, and methane, but there is a way to prevent this loss, and the way to do that is by first of all, stopping all of the activities that cause this change. More information is below, and the button will lead you to a solution page, that provides with all the solutions required to stop and reverse climate change.

How is Climate Change happening?

The section above is about What Climate Change is. Below, I am about to tell you how climate change is happening.


Deforestation is the scientific term for the destruction of trees and forests all around the world. This is done to use tree fibre to make paper and to clear up space for agriculture and farming, but this is still a problem. Let me explain. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, but trees are the opposite. They inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. They store this carbon in their bark and the thickness of the bark depends on how much carbon dioxide there is stored inside the tree. When the tree is cut down, all the bark’s CO2 is released into the air and it also limits the amount of oxygen.

Ice Glaciers Melting

Ice Glaciers are melting because of CO2 being released into the atmosphere I told you above about one of the reasons why this is happening. Below, I will explain other ways that CO2 is released. Now, back to the topic. CO2 rises up into the atmosphere and lies there. When the sun’s heat comes towards the Earth, the ice sheets at the north and south poles reflect some of the heat back out to space, but the carbon dioxide stops it from going any further and sends it back down to Earth. This effect is called the greenhouse effect, but it is not only caused by one gas, but several. These include methane, water vapour, and nitrous oxide. These are just the main gases and there are many more. These gases that cause the greenhouse effect are known as greenhouses gases. Because of this extreme heat, the ice glaciers are melting and destroying homes and our planetary cooling system.

Human Activities that Cause the Greenhouse Effect

Human Activities are causing many of the greenhouse gases to rise into the air. These activities include deforestation(that I already explained above), mining, manufacturing, and burning fossil fuels. These activities all release greenhouse gases that destroy the atmosphere and trap heat in the atmosphere. When mining, they use tools made of metals, and these metals go through processes that during manufacturing that release carbon, and that is the same with any other everyday items that are made with metal or plastic. When we burn fossil fuels, greenhouse gases are released. If this continue, then our species will be wiped out, but we need these activities because they are now integrated into our daily lives. So then how are we meant to find a solution. What we need are alternatives. We need to find alternatives that do not release the greenhouse gases. If you want to see the alternatives, then go to our solution page and find out all about it. You can click on the button below, or direct to it in the menu.

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